Mountain Vista High School vs. Conifer High School
The Vanguard School vs. Conifer High School
The Vanguard School vs. Conifer High School
St. Mary's Academy vs. Conifer High School
Pine Creek High School vs. Conifer High School
Conifer High School vs. Columbine High School
Golden High School vs. Conifer High School
Dakota Ridge High School vs. Conifer High School
Conifer High School vs. Bear Creek High School
Eagle Valley High School vs. Conifer High School
Green Mountain High School vs. Conifer High School
Summit High School vs. Conifer High School
Telluride High School vs. Conifer High School
Summit High School vs. Conifer High School
Wheat Ridge High School vs. Conifer High School
Jefferson Academy vs. Conifer High School
Palmer High School vs. Conifer High School
Pueblo West High School vs. Conifer High School
Summit High School vs. Conifer High School
Holy Family High School vs. Conifer High School
Kent Denver School vs. Golden High School
Legend High School vs. Golden High School
Lakewood High School vs. Golden High School
Rocky Mountain High School vs. Golden High School
Rocky Mountain High School vs. Golden High School
Jefferson Academy vs. Golden High School
Golden High School vs. Columbine High School
Summit High School vs. Golden High School
Summit High School vs. Golden High School
Golden High School vs. Conifer High School
Golden High School vs. Chatfield Senior High School
Golden High School vs. Dakota Ridge High School
Golden High School vs. Battle Mountain High School
Golden High School vs. Battle Mountain High School
Golden High School vs. Battle Mountain High School
Golden High School vs. Columbine High School
Cheyenne Mountain High School vs. Golden High School
Golden High School vs. Ralston Valley High School
Pomona High School vs. Golden High School
Golden High School vs. D'Evelyn High School